Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I actually saw the closet floor...

As my de-cluttering project continues, I'm finding some things just have to go. I began by cleaning out the closet in my craft room yesterday. Amazingly, I have not touched some of that stuff stuck in the far back corner on the very bottom row for... ahem... years. Sad, but true. I hang on to stuff that I'm quiet certain someday for some important reason I just might possibly need it.
But I'm buckling down, now, I promise. I cleared out the closet so it can actually hold stuff that we use... and divied up the stuff that was in the closet between the garbage, Goodwill bag, and- oh, yes, I did- the attic. I know using the attic as a dumping ground is not a great solution either, but some of the stuff cannot be parted with. Yet. Hah.
I think I mentioned yesterday that paper clutter is one of my biggest issues. I'd like to retract that, please. It doesn't hold a candle to the laundry problem. With that being said, I'd like to ask you: what's the one job you would love to live without doing? Something that you do on a daily (or near-daily) basis. For me, hands down it would be laundry. Not the sorting or the washing... The folding and putting away. If I could eliminate one job- that would by far be the one!
Have a great day. Stay inside- it's cold out there!


Anonymous said...

When I read this, I thought....I just want a maid! But then I really got going on the house...sorting clothes and scrubbing floors, it becomes kinda fun. Like my mom says, after 15 babies, that she'll always appreciate her "uninterrupted work" now. But really, I think I just want a helper to keep up on everything....a few more years.

Kelly said...

You are inspiring me to get moving around this joint. As for the thing I would love to live without: Dishes. I very much dislike doing them. We even have a dishwasher now and I still dread that job. I know it's not even that big of deal but for some reason, I loathe that job.

Anna said...

Hands down, dishes. They I can not WAIT till I have a dishwasher. Running a close second is keeping up with the grown-out-of clothes. They also And there's nowhere to put them in this place!!!