Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For My Children...

Carefully you work, selectively chosing just the right color, trying hard to keep everything inside the lines. Not so long ago your precious drawings were just scribbles, but now you're growing up and you take the time to finish what you start. And when I see you, so hard at work it makes me realize how much learning you will have to do in this life, the joy and the sorrow that will accompany those lessons.
If I could wipe away your troubles as easy as wiping away your tears, if I could always make things better with a kiss and a hug, I would. But even though these may help, I know you must learn that troubles cannot simply disappear and hard times don’t just erase. You will learn to get through the difficulties and persevere. And I hope you never lose that happy light that makes you who exactly who you are.

And when I see you hard at work sometimes, I think...If I could pave the way for you, I would make your path smooth and easy… But I know this would not teach you how to swerve the potholes, weather the bumps that come your way, or build roads where there is none. If I could protect you from the storms that will try to bring down your sails, and if my arms were the only shelter you ever needed, I would hold you close and keep you from the thunder. If I could prevent you from facing people who will try to put you down, I would- but I know this would not teach you to stand up for yourself, for what you believe, or to be strong. And I hope you will always be as strong as you believe you are right now.

And sometimes as I watch you discovering the world around you I think, if I could keep you safe here with me, if I could keep you innocent, I would- but you must grow and experience this amazing life, learn about the bad in this world as well as the good so that you will learn to treat others with fairness, respect, and honesty. And I hope you will always share your joy as willingly as you do right now.
I cannot make life easy for you, but I can be there to cheer you on. I will hold your hand when you want me to, stand back when you ask. I will help you through the storms, the troubles, the disappointments. And I will share in your joy, laugh with you and sing with you and I will always, always be here for you. And I will always, no matter what, love you.


Anonymous said...

You have such a way with words! All so true of a parent.

Aleena said...

Awesome post, Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Put a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Love it! And that last picture....sigh. ~Brita

Megan said...

I tell you Sarah...... I don't know. :) The way you write from your heart is truly awesome.

Kelly said...

So beautifully written... as always.

Anna said...

A smile and a tear in the eye from me. Wonderful.

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Beautiful! Your pictures are darling, too!

Sarah said...

Thank-you, all of you, for all of your nice comments.